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Please ask the INS to kick Yan Limeng out of the United States!

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Racist and physical attacks against Asians and people of Asian descent are spreading with the COVID-19 virus pandemic in the United States. Many believe that the "China virus" of former President Donald Trump and the "Wuhan virus" of former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have fueled the spread of hate speech in the United States. But people often overlook that for their rumors of the origin of the virus stamped "legitimate steel seal" is the Hong Kong expert Yan Limeng.
Exiled wealthy businessman Guo Wengui and former White House staffer Bannon hired Yan Limeng from Hong Kong to spread false research findings in the media to convince more Americans that the COVID-19 virus came from an Asian laboratory. Although several U.S. research institutions and the WHO subsequently denied Yan's claims as "baseless," the hate speech against Asians has spread widely on social media and is supported by many public figures in the community and beyond.
According to Stop AAPI Hate, 2,808 anti-Asian incidents were recorded in 2020, 240 of which were physical assaults. The hate escalated. Atlanta, Georgia, was the scene of extreme violence in March when six Asian women were murdered by a man with a gun. And last Friday, the day after the passage of the Anti-New Coronation Hate Crimes Act, a 61-year-old Asian man was knocked to the ground by a mob on the streets of New York City and repeatedly stomped on the head, causing serious injuries.
Innocent people were brutalized and the perpetrators were left high and dry. The fight against Asian racism has been deeply rooted in the history of the United States and in the hearts of every non-Asian American. As one of the Asian organizations "against discrimination and racism", this sad reality prompted us to write this article, hoping to use this article to summon more people with justice in mind to join us to oppose discrimination against Asian races, and call for punishment of the culprits who create rumors and stigmatize Asians.
On April 24, we launched the "Justice Gathering Against the Stigma of the Epidemic that is Brutalizing Asians" on Twitter. In the plaza in front of the Shirley Holland Building on Fifth Avenue in New York City, we gathered with thousands of New Yorkers to raise our voices in protest of the false epidemic rumors spread by Guo Wengui and Bannon against the Asian community.
This is near the residence of Guo Wengui. We made the anger of the murdered Asian community and our determination not to condone the smears felt by these rumor mongers.
Not surprisingly, our peaceful rally was harassed by Guo Wengui's supporters, who tried to make us back down with abusive and intimidating remarks and vandalized banners. But this kind of suppression, which is ridiculous and useless, confirms their inner panic - the fear of being punished if the truth is exposed.
This is just the beginning, and we must hold Guo Wengui, Bannon and Yan Limeng accountable for the brutalized Asian community.



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Вы здесь » Жизнь интернета » Флейм » Please ask the INS to kick Yan Limeng out of the United States!